Liberator Black Label Wedge Ramp Combo



Explore the ultimate fusion of passion and luxury with the Liberator Black Label Wedge Ramp Combo, an essential element in our sex furniture collection. Designed for couples who want to explore the depth of their intimate moments, this sophisticated pair of sex pillows promises an unprecedented experience.

Soft Bondage with Style
This set invites you to soft bondage, where comfort and sensuality merge. Thanks to the built-in connectors, it offers a safe and comfortable way to strengthen the bond with your partner.

Boundless Pleasure
The ergonomic design of the Wedge and Ramp cushions optimizes the stimulation of the G-spot and other erogenous zones. Discover new positions and make every moment a journey of discovery.

Luxury and Convenience
In addition to support and stimulation, the set excels in ease of use. The covers are washable and the discreet packaging makes the Black Label Wedge Ramp Combo a stylish addition to any bedroom.


  • Includes: 1 blindfold and 1 set of hand/foot cuffs
  • Dimensions: Wedge (61x18x36 cm), Ramp (61x31x86.36 cm)

Discover More: For inspiration and new positions, visit our sex pillow blog.

Positions to try

Additional information

Weight 7 kg
Dimensions 90 × 61 × 18 cm


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