Sex Furniture and Body Positivity: Everyone has a Place in the Bedroom blog body positivity

In a world where the media often paints a very limited picture of beauty, companies that are committed to inclusivity and diversity play a crucial role. Liberator, known for its innovative sex furniture, is one such company that is leading the way in promoting body positivity by designing products that suit people of all shapes and sizes.

Inclusive Design: Comfort for Everyone

Liberator has been committed to designing sex furniture that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also practical for a wide range of body types. Their products such as the Liberator Wedge, the Ramp, and the Esse are carefully designed to provide support and comfort regardless of the size or weight of the user. This highlights an important aspect of body positivity: everyone deserves to feel comfortable and supported during intimate moments. blog body positivity

The Breaking of Taboos

Sex furniture can seem taboo, but Liberator has worked hard to change this perception by creating products that are not only functional, but also stylish. By designing sex furniture that looks beautiful and is functional for everyone, Liberator helps normalize conversations around sexuality and body diversity.

Impact on Self-Image and Sexual Experience

Using sex furniture that takes diverse body types into account can have a profound effect on self-image. It offers people the opportunity to explore sexual positions that might not be comfortable or feasible without such furniture. This can lead to a more satisfying sexual experience and a more positive self-image, as users feel empowered by the support these products provide. blog body positivity

Beyond the Bedroom

Liberator’s commitment to inclusivity and body positivity extends beyond the bedroom. They provide educational resources that help build self-confidence and promote a healthy body image. This educational aspect is crucial; it not only supports product sales but also promotes overall positive social change.


Liberator’s commitment to body positivity and inclusivity in their sex furniture designs is not only a win for the company, but also for society as a whole. By breaking barriers and creating products that welcome everyone, they contribute to a world where sexual satisfaction and self-acceptance are accessible to everyone.